Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I'm feel so sOOOO Tired and Suffering now...I'm SICK dy...keep on cough and sneeze now and also got abit it de A subtypes H1N1,H1N2,H3N1,H3N2,and H2N3 har???...haha^-^ Touchwood...But my feeling really not so well now.For de sake of dunwan contaminate to others ppl then i start to wear my face mask in my house.Actually i also wanna wear it to college coz scare contaminate to my friends but i also scare give arise to de unnecessary panic so finally I decide dun wear it go to my college.=-='' Hope it's just a frivolous's sick...
my look tat wearing de face mask....=-=

Hope I can recover it as fast as possible^-^