This is the female semi-final...Melaka vs Johor
Forgot de result but Johor is winner...But I'm melaka supporter...^-^Melaka,Fighting!!!^0^
This is semi final for male group...But all spectators also felt this is the final for male group coz this 2 group also is de stronger team in this competition.A lot of Malaysia players and MABA players join this 2 teams.Melaka vs Johor...Melaka is winner in this match...congratulation^-^
The most excited match i think is Kelatan vs Johor for female group.This 2 teams have the same real strength and both of them also are Malaysia players.Especially is Kelantan team.I'm Kelantan supporter in this match^-^hehe...the result is 82 vs 81....All the spectators also felt so nervous at all the time coz their point was so near and cant know who's the winner if havent until the end.I'm so nervous and my heartbeat was strong at the moment.haha^0^Kelantan is the 1st winner in this competition.Congratulation^-^
the 1st winner in this whole match...
This is de final for the male group but i think this match was not excited coz all of us also know that Selangor is not Melaka's opponent...It's the commiserate in this competition coz all of us also felt the final group should be Melaka vs Johor...haiz...but cannot be questioned that Melaka team is the most strongest team in this whole match.
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